The story goes like this; one of our founders, we'll call her Mrs. Bubbles, became obsessed with Bubble Tea when she was studying in Los Angeles. The boba (tapioca) consumed along with the delicious beverages through a wide straw was an experience for her and was hard to live without.
With the move back to Dubai Mrs. Bubbles started to suffer from the bubble withdrawals, so she started looking everywhere for it in Dubai in 2006! But it was nowhere to be found!

But upon her return to Dubai the thirst and craving started to appear again and, by then married, she decided to share her love and craving with her husband! They took a trip to Los Angeles and that's when Mr. Bubbles fell in love with the concept and the taste!
The idea was in her head for a few years even when she moved to London to get her master's degree; for a short while her thirst for bubble tea was quenched as she spent a lot of time on Gerarrd Street, in London’s Chinatown, that served a few variations of the infamous bubble tea!
After nine long months of hard work and numerous trips to the Far East, their baby, Bubbles & Boba was born into Dubai Mall and the cloning soon started with another branch in Business Bay in Dubai and franchise signatures for the surrounding countries!